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Peter Cole
14 Garden Rd Camberwell Victoria Australia 3124
Telephone 0419 517 729

By the way, is anybody confused about telephone numbers these days that have all sorts of undescribed prefixes on them? Mine is + 613 419 517 729 for the number you see above.

This apparently is my number that you can call me on from anywhere in the world – though I believe that is not actually the case if you call from many countries. But don’t try to ring that number from Australia, which is where 98% of my calls are going to come from.

6 + 12 =

You’re not going to get through! Where’s the “plus” button on my phone? Well there isn’t one, is there?

What you have to know if you see a number like this is first to ignore the confusing “+” sign, then delete the 613, then add a 0. And you’re set. JESUS WEPT! Yeah great, many or most of us know what to do now, but why in heaven’s name can’t these things be spelt out when the system is set up, and prominently thereafter, rather than us having to work them out ourselves? Can we keep it simpler, guys?